Stone Meanings

Agate: Stability + Grounding + Supportive 

Amazonite: Fluidity + Playful + Optimistic

Amber: Clearing + Energy Circulation + Protection 

Amethyst: Intuition + Stability + Peace 

Aquamarine: Fluidity + Soothing+ Go with the Flow

Aventurine: Good Luck + Manifestation + Optimistic

Azurite: Expansive + Empowerment + Wisdom

Black Tourmalinated Quartz: Shifting Negativity + Protection + Positivity

Black Tourmaline: Protection + Security + Stress Relief

Bloodstone: Courage + Vitality + Energizing

Blue Lace Agate: Anxiety Relief + Soothing + Calming

Botswana Agate: Comforting + Protective + Soothing 

Breccia Jasper: Strength + Vitality 

Brown Tiger Eye: Insight, Confidence, Balance 

Carnelian: Creativity + Confidence + Passion

Celestine: Sweet Dreams + Soothing + Calming 

Chrysocolla: Starting Over + Motivation + Inspiration

Chrysoprase: Positivity + pen Hearted + Optimistic 

Citrine: Prosperity + Optimism + Abundance

Clear Quartz: Clarity + Manifestation + Focus

Coral: Modesty+ Wisdom + Happiness 

Dalmatian Jasper: Playfulness + Nurturing + Centering

Dessert Rose Seteline: Clarity + Prosperity + Purification

Druzy Quartz: Relaxation + Self Love + Healing

Dumortierite: Support + Confidence + Balance

Fluorite: Peace + Bliss + Calming 

Fuchsite: Happiness + Miracles + Blessings

Garnet: Passion + Energy + Health

Goldstone: Confidence + light + Empowerment 

Hematite: Grounding + Focus + Centering

Howlite: Relaxation + Patience + Memory

Jade: Wealth + Success + Wisdom

Jasper: Grounding + Nurturing + Centering

K2 Stone: Intuition + Wisdom + Enlightenment 

Labradorite: Cosmic + Destiny + Curiosity + Awareness + Illumination

Lapis Lazuli: Truth + Awareness + Wisdom

Lava (Unakite)" Stability + Passion + Strength + Courage

Lemurian Quartz: New ideas + Serenity + Wisdom

Lepidolite: Tranquility + Restful + Sleep

Malchite: Transformation + Openness + Love

Mookaite: Beauty + Adventure + Grounding

Moonstone: Divinity + Balance + Tenderness (Femniniti)

Ocean Jasper: Nurture + Happiness + Peace

Onyx: Protection + Release + Calm

Orange Calcite: Energy + Confidence + Creativity

Opal: Positivity + Love + Awareness 

Peridot: Effervescent + Joy + Happiness

Phantom Quartz: Growth + Transformation + Evolution

Pyrite: Wealth + Success + Protection

Red Jade: Strength + Willpower + Vitality

Rhodochrosite: Worthiness + Love + Compassion

Rhodonite: Forgiveness + Love + Emotional Healing 

Rhyolite: Change + Positivity + Creativity

Rose Quartz: Love + Forgiveness + Compassion

Rutilated Quartz: Clarity + Strength + Energy

Selenite: Cleaning + Light + Protection 

Serpentine: Regeneration + Luck + Healing

Shungite: Grounding + Protection + Digital Detox

Smoky Quartz: Letting Go + Surrender + Grounding

Sodalite: Communication + Harmony + Trust

Sunstone: Effervescent + Sensual + Creativity

Tiger’s Eye: Inspiration + Perspective + Good Luck

Tree Agate: Earthing + Abundance + Inner peace

Turquoise: Health + Protection+ Wisdom

Vermont Jade: Emotional and Mental Balance